Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cold and Flu Prevention

Part two of the cold and flu series will cover ways to prevent getting sick with one of these illnesses.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has listed three methods to better protect against the cold and flu.

  1. Get a flu vaccine
    • Flu vaccines protect against the 3 most common viruses for any given year.
    • Individuals 6 months of age and older should receive the vaccine (under 6 months old is considered too young).
    • High risk individuals should always receive flu vaccines to decrease the likelihood of severe flu illness.  High risk individuals include:
      • Young children.
      • Pregnant women.
      • People with chronic health conditions (such as asthma, diabetes and lung disease).
      • Individuals over the age of 65.
      • Health care specialists and those who live with or care for high risk individuals.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What's A Cold? What's A Flu?

So we are at the start of cold and flu season, and, as many people seem to be sniffling and sneezing, we thought it would be a good idea to do a little PSA on these two common illnesses.

To start, when is cold and flu season?  While it varies in length from year-to-year, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that cold and influenza (flu) season typically starts in October and can last all the way until May, with January and February typically being the peak months for infection (basically, when temperatures are cold and everyone is staying indoors more).  While both of these illnesses have similarities, it is very important to know the difference between symptoms of the common cold and flu.

The Battle Against Cold and Flu Season

With COLD AND FLU SEASON starting up, we here at StealStreet thought it would be a good idea to start a blog series that provides everyone with beneficial information to help combat and protect against the common cold and flu.  This 3-part series will start today and is designed to aid in protecting our readers and those they care about from these harmful illnesses before cold and flu season peaks.  So grab your cup of hot green tea, sit back, and let’s stay healthy together!